Logo Bureau of Translations TRADUC
Versiunea română Русская версия English version Version française
Tel.:   (+373) 069 061 498
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National Bank of Moldova





















Address Chisinau, Moldova
str. Bucuresti, 23
str. Constantin Tănase, 9
Phone:    (+373) 69 061 498
Phone:    (+373) 61 111 984
Phone:    (+373) 69 008 898
TELEGRAM / Viber / WhatsApp
E-mail:    info@traduc.md
SKYPE:    traduc.md

Translation Agency TRADUC

We are glad to welcome you on our website.

The company TRADUC was founded in 2009, during the time of our activity our Agency has recommended itself as a reliable business partner. Translation Agency TRADUC provides services of translation in more than 20 languages. All of our translators have passed certification at ministry of justice; this certificate allows to notary certify translations.

Our Translation Agency motto is "Quality, Fast and Affordable".

The process of work with our Translation Agency TRADUC is very easy; you don’t have to leave your office and waste your time. It is enough to use the internet and sent us by e-mail the text for translation; in e-mail you leave us your contact number. Our translators in a short time will calculate the price for the translation and notice you about the price and necessary time for translation by any comfortable for you way. Invoice payment you will receive on the e-mail. Translation Agency TRADUC also provides the service "COURIER" for the important documentation. Our employee will come to any established by you place for you to personally hand him the documentation, and after the documentation is translated he will bring it back to you in established time. If you wish you can come to our office of Translation Agency which is situated on the street Bernardazzi 69 of. 6 and place your order, for translation service, or receive the translated documents. If you need notary certification, Translation Agency TRADUC will do it for you on affordable price and in the shortest time.

Translation Agency TRADUC offers the following types of documents translation:

  • Agreements, contracts, business proposals, reclamations, complaints, correspondence and others;
  • Company documentation (charters and agreements, contracts, memoranda, licenses, law extracts and court decisions, powers of attorney, registration certificates and other documentation);
  • Scientific and technical documentation – articles, reports and papers, books, operating manuals, reference books and textbooks and others;
  • Software and software documentation;
  • Specialized literature.

Expansion of services from Translation Agency TRADUC.

Translation Agency TRADUC is constantly expanding its team of qualified translators that offer simultaneous and consecutive interpreting. How often you lost the opportunity to sign a contract with foreign partners and the reason of it was a bad translation? Our Translation Agency soon will be providing the service "interpreter for business meetings", by using this service you will solve the problem of language barrier during official meetings with foreign partners.


With respect, yours faithfully Translation Agency TRADUC.